Sunday, 30 March 2008

Geography Primary Focus Day - 11th March 2008

Reason for attending: Although we do not currently study this Unit, in looking how to improve the cuurent Geography Scheme of Work at Woodford, I felt this might offer ideas for improving those units which we already study.

The focus for the day was based on Unit 13: A contrasting locality in the UK, focussing on Lochinver rather than Llandudno (with strong environmental, sustainability, Literacy, Numeracy and ICT strands). This unit is a good way to address environmental issues.
As always the day provided us with a fully resourced Scheme of Work based around a tiny village of Lochinver on the Scottish West Coast.—photos / activities / ideas—all in hard and soft copy.

In the recent review of KS3 there has been a swing to “integrated topics” - however the appropriate expectations have disappeared. These need to be addressed in individual subjects – e.g. what are the key skills that are subject specific?

This could be the next challenge facing the Primary Curriculum. However, it is important to remember that the level descriptors / expectations should be the spine of the approach.

By the end of KS1 most children would be at Level 2. By the end of KS2 most children will be at Level 4 with some aspects of level 5. It is important in planning a scheme of work to incorporate levels (P)1—4 (even 5).

What’s the point of Geography?
At its heart—it is the study of the physical and human environment and how the two are linked / related. It is not assessment driven but led by intellectual development. Geography should be a range of enquiry based activities—a broad diet of differentiation by activity—a range of learning activities. Think! — where are the children now? What do I want them to do to move on? —How am I going to help them to move forward?

Remember Enquiry based activities are where the children do not know the outcome—they are challenged to come up with answers. Higher order thinking skills are therefore inherent in geography.

The Excellence and Enjoyment document allow us to be creative, imaginative, - intellectually robust whilst maintaining the expectations. This Unit certainly fufills this criteria.

From the Geography Programmes of Study the areas the children should study are:

Key Stage 1
Local Area (referring to the immediate area of the school)
Contrasting local area (UK and abroad)

Key Stage 2
Rivers /or Coasts
Environmental issue
Contrasting UK locality (larger area)
Contrasting locality in a less economically developed country.

These were the Key Questions and activities for this unit on Lochinver but they could easily be adapted to any locality study:-

1. What is the site and location of Lochinver?

A great speaking and listening activity to start any study of a place is to consider its site and situation. I’d never really considered these as different before now but this became clear. (not being a geographer by first choice) Situation is where the place is in relation to its complete surroundings. For example Plymouth is in the South West of England in the south of Devon. It is on the coast. It is linked by the A38 to Exeter. It is south of Dartmoor. Site is the original reason for its location. Ask the question why was Plymouth located here? Using maps and photographs of any area is a good way into a study of that locality (especially if it is not easily accessible)
2. What things can you see from the grounds of Lochinver school?
4. Why is Highland Stoneware in Lochinver an example of a manufacturing industry?
5. Is the fishing of langoustine at Lochinver sustainable?
6. Why does Lochinver have such a large number of services?
7. Where do people stay when they visit Lochinver on holiday?
8. Why do people come to Lochinver on holiday?
9. What happens at a fish farm and is it a good thing?
10. How does the environment around Lochinver Primary School compare with the environment around our school?
11. What do I like about living where I do and what would make it better?
12. How and why is the environment at Little Assynt changing?

This unit contains a sustainability issue about the fishing of langoustines which are flown to Spain. It allows a cross curricular link in using Numeracy to work out the ‘carbon footprint’ of this industry comparing it to average household carbon footprints. This can then link to a climate change issue which allows us to personalise the issue of climate change. Using a picture (in this case) of Elhaji cleaning shoes in Banjul and a photograph of a Lochinver fisherman and asking how the two are linked.

Another environmental issue / science link is the life cycle of salmon which are farmed in the bay. The study also looks at how the area is being changed and looks at the recolonisation of pine martens to their native habitat. This provides great links with Science / habitats and adaptations.

In considering the Geography at Woodford Junior School and reviewing the curricular map—we currently cover 5 units of geography, where we need only to cover four.

In Year 3 is a study of Chembakoli (Contrasting locality on a less economically developed country)
In Year 4 there is a study of Climate Change (Environmental Issue)
In Year 5 is a study of Totnes (Settlement) and Rivers
In Year 6 a study of World Heritage and Coasts.

The Rivers unit in year 5 is being developed to include a study of rivers in Gambia to develop the Global Dimension of the curriculum. The World heritage and coasts Unit also allows for study a contrasting locality in a less economically developed country.
The Units on Climate Change and World Heritage and Coasts are new units and have been resourced through previous geography focus days. They are therefore enquiry based units of work. They also include a global dimension and have allowed the development of cross curricular work. A deeper study of the other units need to be made to ensure that these units also allow the children to develop a range of skills at all levels of expectations, as well offering activities which will encourage the development of good geographers.

1 comment:

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