Julian Nietrzebka and Jim Gardner
This session explored current educational developments and drivers for change, including globalisation, personalisation and the embedding of modern technologies in learning and teaching. The main thrust of the session was we need to be very clear about ‘our’ vision for the future. How do we educate children to enable them to move forward? It is important for schools to self reflect and evaluate where they are now and what the vision for the future is. Think about Global ways of working. What skills will the children need to be successful in a global economy?
It is clear that we live in a changing world. There is is strong focus on sustainability as well as a reliance on technology. We live in an ethically and socially diverse society with complex educational pathways and demanding employers.
One of the key elements of Every Child Matter is to achieve economic well being but do we fuly understand the learning expereineces of our students today and what skills they will need to be successful in a global economy.
What are the skills and attitudes that employers value?
Being able to communicate orally at a high level
Reliability, punctuality and perseverance
Knowing how to work with others in a team
Knowing how to evaluate information critically
Taking responsibility for, and being able to manage one’s own learning and developing the habits of effective learning
Knowing how to work independently without close supervision
Being confident and able to investigate problems and find solutions
Being resilient in the face of difficulties
Being creative, inventive, enterprising and entrepreneurial
There are four main challenges facing schools, including ours:
When children were surveyed as to the key changes they would like to see in their learning they were:
The structure of the school day; greater use of electronic devices; Freedom and choice; More technology
2. Transforming of pedagogy
The consideration of the transforming pedagogy is one which highlights the challenge of changing:-
group - personalised, content - process, individual - collaborative, subject - cross curricular, low ICT capability - high ICT capability, short time slots - extended time slots, school based - anytime, anyplace
3. E-maturity
Would we class our school as an e-mature school? Looking at the elements which combine to build an e-mature school I would say no! Some may think this harsh. All the staff use the IWB on a daily basis and the children have access to the ICT Suite twice a week for discrete and cross curricular ICT sessions.
Having recently perused the BECTA self review tool, I feel that e-maturity is most definitely a long way off for us. There are many aspects of ICT at which we are good, but technology is moving forward at such a rate that we are slowly being left behind. Some of us are keen to move forward but are constrained by the blocking of services or by the availabilty of resources. The ICT Suite may have helped develop the skills of the children and is a conveneient way to teach ICT skills but it does not allow the ability to offer real ICT education. An interesting article by John Naughton in the Guardian expands on this.
4. Learning power
We have to consider "How do we enable learning with technology?"
The changes that need to take take place are time, space, pace and place and that ICT skills become an ICT education of learning, researching, creating, publishing and sharing.
Session 2: Assessment for learning and learning to learn – collaborative online tools
Owen Johnson
Session 3: Enhancing learning, communication, collaboration and information management in the secondary school
Ann Duffy for FROG and Colin Hampton and Peter Twyman from Lipson Community College
Both these sessions were really a sales pitch by the relevant companies for their products RealSmart and FROG. RealSmart includes solutions SmartAfL and ScreenFlash, and integrates a peering system, web content creation, learner controlled calendar, and casting technology to provide a 'real' learning environment centred around the learner. This is currently aimed at the secondary market. It is difficult to see how this might look or operate in a primary environment.
Session 4: Effectively using a Learning Platform to extend learning opportunities
Fiona Aubrey-Smith
This session highlighted how primary schools might really use an LP (in this case from UniServity cLc learning platform) to offer a range of interactive / global learning activities. It showed how LP’s could be used to support collaborative projects, key stage transition and peer mentoring.
Session 5: The Local and Developing Context in the Southwest
John Pering and Ian Southwell
This session looked at the developments occurring within the SWGfL area and at local authority level. It tried to identify the support solutions that will be made available to schools as they build their learning platforms to meet current teaching, learning and administrative needs, but above all to bring transformation into teaching and learning for the future.
George Harrison— “If you don’t know where you’re going any road will take you there”
Transforming Learning is not about Government targets. It is not just about IMPACT but also ENTITLEMENT. It is the opportunity to learn through new methods—Learning Platforms. We shouldn’t be driven by the technology but by what we want to achieve.
The final session really highlighted the inadequacies and unpreparedness of the South West for VLE / LP. Fourteen of the fifteen LA s in SWGfL have agreed to use Merlin which is still in development by RM Netmedia. It is hoped that this will be ready for pilot during the summer term and early adopters in August / September 2008.
It was evident from the atmosphere in the room during this session that there seems to be very little faith in SWGfL / Merlin, especially given the problems which have arisen using the SWGfL Portal! I suppose the question to be asked here is, when 14 out of 15 LAs in SWGfL agreed to take Merlin on board, who made and how was the decision taken? Were Head teachers and teachers in the classroom learning environment consulted? I think from the queries and unease around the room this was not the case!! I await the developments and news from our ICT Coordinator in due course.
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