Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Coming to terms with French grammar, pronuncaition and vocabulary.

Session 8 - 27th November 2007
The final session! Today focused on vocabulary and conversation involved with meals, food shopping and ordering food in a restaurant. We also drafted a letter for a pen pal (final homework task!).

Qu’est-ce que tu manges pour le petit déjeuner? - des cereales, un croissant, un pain au chocolat, du pain, du pain grille, des fruits, du beurre, de la confitire, du miel, du sucre, du cafe, du lait, du chocolat chaud, du jus d'orange et de'leau. When we want to say some (de) of...... note the use of du (de + le) and de la (de + la) and des (de + les).

Role play was the last session, with me being set up at the end big style! I played waiter to my partner and Gabrielle ( at the last moment!). However I got through it with more confidence than I would have at the beginning of the sessions!

A suggestion when teaching vocabulary is to use different colour to show masculine and feminine
la salade, le poisson, les pâtes, le riz, la glace, le yaourt, les chips, le jambon, le sandwich, le coca, les frites, le poulet, la viande, la pizza.

Addi tonal useful phrases in this were tant pis - never mind and Il n'y a rien - there is nothing and il n'y a pas du pain and le chef est parti!

We finished with expressing opinions eg - j'aime, j'adore or je n'aime pas, je deteste, c'est superbe, c'est cool, c'est null!

Did the course meet my expectations and what are the next stages for me?
The Objectives of the course were:·

To manage basic grammar appropriate to the classroom

To understand important pronunciation rules

To learn vocabulary/structures appropriate to classroom teaching

My Reasons for Attending were that in order to support staff in my role as MFL coordinator it was important that I have a good grasp of the basics in French. Although I did French at school and have a degree of simple conversation, this course would offer a good opportunity to refresh this.

The course has certainly allowed me to build a vocabulary and understanding of basic grammar which is appropriate to the classroom at key stage 2. Pronunciation was always my concern in speaking French and Gabrielle has really highlighted the importance of good and correct pronunciation. We have practised and practised this throughout the last eight weeks and i feel that I have fair grasp of pronunciation now! I don't claim to be expert but I certainly have enough knowledge now to support staff through the introduction of french next term.

If the opportunity arose to attend further courses at an intermediate level, then this would be beneficial. i certainly think that next year, if the same course is available that other members of staff may benefit too.

The next stages in my role are to procure the relevant software / access to Heinemanns "Tout le Monde" series and to write the scheme of work for the first year of French teaching. This needs to include links to relevant software, songs and fun activities for staff and children. I intend to make all planning electronic so links are embedded in the planning and easily accessible!

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