Friday 30 November 2007

E-Safety Conference,

With the surge of Web2.0 tools, social networking sites, blogs, wikis etc and my continuing exploration of all that is cyber-space, I felt it was important to learn more about the issues and problems that we as educators face in this ever increasing digital age. Even I have fallen foul of dubious individuals trying to contact me via Skype. I was too eager to use technology and not quite savvy enough to block unwanted attention. Needless to say my New Zealand link, David Kinane soon pointed out the error of my profile! As we as educators have greater access to the internet and its treasures and increasingly share these with our children we must also take responsibility for their safety.

This post is written from my notes and jottings at the conference.

The first keynote speech was made by Stephen Carrick-Davies of Childnet International.
It is true that we want or need to model good practice. With ever increasing online tools that are free to use and easy to register to this is an exciting and also challenging time. Children enjoy and benefit from using technology, however we need to ensure that children are safe online. We should recognise and understand the dangers whilst also embracing the opportunities.

A group of students from Falmouth College were asked what they loved about the internet. The responses were as would be expected. It is easier to contact friends, using MSN and Bebo. Nowadays this access is a very personal and portable technology. To many parents though and even some educators it is still unexplored territory and as such is seen as dangerous and to be avoided.

An interesting point made by Stephen was:-

“……. earlier generations had to sit through huffing and puffing with the invention of television, the phone, cinema, radio, the car, the bicycle, printing, the wheel and so on, but you would think we would learn the way these things work, which is this:

1. Everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal;
2. Anything that gets invented between then and before you turn thirty is incredibly exciting and creative and with any luck you can make a career out of it;
3. Anything that gets invented after you’re thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it until it’s been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really.”
Douglas Adams

I want to be able to exploit the benefits of the internet, maybe not in the same way as young people might ...... but certainly in a way that it was intended. My recent links with New Zealand would certainly fulfill its creators vision.

Tim Berners-Lee ‘Weaving the Web’ 1999

"The web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for social effect - to help people work together - and not as a technical toy…. The ultimate goal of the web is to support and improve our web like existence in the world"

The Internet is part of modern childhood. "The online converged world is the child's world." It is always on. It offers an active not passive medium. It is anonymous. It allows access to the world. It allows acceptance– identity and status. It gives children a voice. It is away from supervision. It is addictive.

With this in mind then what does a shared responsibility look like? What are the issues for schools, curriculum, CPD and parents? With the increase of Web2.0 the use of the internet is changing. Web2.0 allows uploading, creativity, personal, converged media and is truly interactive. In schools this is supervised, filtered and monitored. Out of school though there is often no supervision, filtering or monitoring and young peoples social speak allows a simple POS to warn others of “parent over my shoulder” or even MTIW GTG “my teacher is watching—got to go!"

In conducting a very simple survey with my class (aged 8/9) I found that several used MSN to contact friends and family and also shared BEBO accounts with older siblings. This highlights that though we may feel that children at 8 years of age would not be accessing social networking sites they are.

Daniel Broughton MD a pediatrician at the Mayo Clinic says

we are doing our children a disservice if we try to remove all risks from their lives.

I agree but we must therefore make them aware of the risks and how to deal with them.

Stephen suggests we must avoid Digital Panic and Digital Promise and look realistically at the positive opportunities of Social Networking which are:

  1. Young people have a space to hang out and express themselves and “gather” in an adult free space, in much the same way as young people used to at the youth club

  2. There is an opportunity to be creative, and express themselves with original content, customise pages and engage in collective self expression and collaboration.

  3. Young people need a space to manage risks for identity and test boundaries. Most appear to be capable of self-regulation if they are made aware of the risks.

  4. There is active communication, strengthening of existing relationships, sharing ideas, supporting and helping each other.

  5. They are acquiring new skills which are highly valued in the new knowledge economy. e.g. - creativity, presentation, team building, retrieving information, assessing value, analysing, reviewing etc.

The dangers to children of the net are threefold. Through commerce, invasion of privacy and the blur between advertising and information; through content, inaccuracies, extreme views and pornography and its self created and finally through contact, unwanted contact, paedophiles and cyber bullying.

What then is cyber bullying?

It is “The use of ICT, particularly mobile phones & internet, deliberately to upset someone else” The range of technology used in cyber bullying is wide and complex from Mobile phones, IM, Chat, Email and Webcam to Social networking & Video-hosting sites, Virtual Learning Environments and Gaming. As with any form of bullying it can ruin the lives of children (and adults!). Research from the Anti bullying Alliance, 2007, quotes that 22% of young people (in the UK) reported being the target of cyber bullying. It appears to be a growing issue of concern. This is a whole-school community issue and strategies are needed to prevent and respond to it.

How is it different from other forms of bullying?

There is often a change of role - the bully may be weak and the victim strong! Due to the forever on nature of technology there is a lack of closure. The perception of anonymity, often results in saying things that wouldn’t be said face to face. It can be 24/7 contact – there is no escape even at home. As it is not face to face it is not always possible to see the affect.

Cyber bullying does leave a trail! A trail that can be traced as was illustrated by the next keynote speech. (to be dealt with in a another post)

The key Question for Schools is:
Do we recognise the educational value of these online services, pilot new models of learning and embed E-Safety into the PSHE, Citizenship, ICT Curriculum ?


See this as purely an “out of school issue” and “simply” block and control student’s use of these services?

To tackle this effectively it should be a partnership of the whole school community, between teachers, young people and their parents / guardians.

Stephen suggests that for teachers:

Teachers urgently need help in understanding the technology and safeguarding issues.
Supremely relevant to the Curriculum and E-safety education gives unique opportunity to address offline issues with relevancy, child-centricity and impact
Recognise educational value of these services. Pilot and nurture new models of learning.

For Parents:

“Parents and the home environment they create are the single most important factor in shaping their children’s well-being, achievements and prospects” Alan Johnson Education Secretary

Parents trust information which comes from schools. They need help in understanding the Social web and the very real “out of school” dangers

SUPPORT IN ENGAGING WITH CHILDREN - For example 4 out of 10 young people say that they receive no or very little information from their parents about sensitive or “risky” issues, (Every Parent Matters)

and for Young people


We are not capitalising on the very obvious part of the solution!

We negate children’s moral leadership at our peril. YP can change the world positively with this technology !

So do we......

Do we recognise the educational value of these online services, pilot new models of learning and embed E-Safety into the PSHE, Citizenship, ICT Curriculum?
See this as purely an “out of school issue” and “simply” block and control student’s use of these services?

Blocking of services is one which I already have many frustrations with. In our collaborative work with New Zealand, Web2.0 tools and even our joint blog were initially blocked. You Tube is still blocked and means that videos we produce cannot be uploaded there but have to go via Teacher Tube instead - this is not always as reliable and thus has its own frustrations! David's avatar of me (left) was created after a particularly frustrtaing day of the blog being blocked and not being able to view a video which had been uploaded by Meadowbank about their school day. I hope that at Woodford we can embrace the opportunities and educational value of online services and surge forward into the technologocal age with as much confidence as our young people!
Watch this space!!

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Coming to terms with French grammar, pronuncaition and vocabulary.

Session 8 - 27th November 2007
The final session! Today focused on vocabulary and conversation involved with meals, food shopping and ordering food in a restaurant. We also drafted a letter for a pen pal (final homework task!).

Qu’est-ce que tu manges pour le petit déjeuner? - des cereales, un croissant, un pain au chocolat, du pain, du pain grille, des fruits, du beurre, de la confitire, du miel, du sucre, du cafe, du lait, du chocolat chaud, du jus d'orange et de'leau. When we want to say some (de) of...... note the use of du (de + le) and de la (de + la) and des (de + les).

Role play was the last session, with me being set up at the end big style! I played waiter to my partner and Gabrielle ( at the last moment!). However I got through it with more confidence than I would have at the beginning of the sessions!

A suggestion when teaching vocabulary is to use different colour to show masculine and feminine
la salade, le poisson, les pâtes, le riz, la glace, le yaourt, les chips, le jambon, le sandwich, le coca, les frites, le poulet, la viande, la pizza.

Addi tonal useful phrases in this were tant pis - never mind and Il n'y a rien - there is nothing and il n'y a pas du pain and le chef est parti!

We finished with expressing opinions eg - j'aime, j'adore or je n'aime pas, je deteste, c'est superbe, c'est cool, c'est null!

Did the course meet my expectations and what are the next stages for me?
The Objectives of the course were:·

To manage basic grammar appropriate to the classroom

To understand important pronunciation rules

To learn vocabulary/structures appropriate to classroom teaching

My Reasons for Attending were that in order to support staff in my role as MFL coordinator it was important that I have a good grasp of the basics in French. Although I did French at school and have a degree of simple conversation, this course would offer a good opportunity to refresh this.

The course has certainly allowed me to build a vocabulary and understanding of basic grammar which is appropriate to the classroom at key stage 2. Pronunciation was always my concern in speaking French and Gabrielle has really highlighted the importance of good and correct pronunciation. We have practised and practised this throughout the last eight weeks and i feel that I have fair grasp of pronunciation now! I don't claim to be expert but I certainly have enough knowledge now to support staff through the introduction of french next term.

If the opportunity arose to attend further courses at an intermediate level, then this would be beneficial. i certainly think that next year, if the same course is available that other members of staff may benefit too.

The next stages in my role are to procure the relevant software / access to Heinemanns "Tout le Monde" series and to write the scheme of work for the first year of French teaching. This needs to include links to relevant software, songs and fun activities for staff and children. I intend to make all planning electronic so links are embedded in the planning and easily accessible!

Saturday 24 November 2007

My Amazing Journey - Rising to the Challenge!

Well, I have finally completed the challenge set by David in his post A challenge for you All. Although I was keen to record my daily jaunt from Cornwall to Devon across the River Tamar, the logistics of setting up the laptop with a webcam on the dashborad of the car were ones which I did not overcome. Eventually following David's lead (without bike!) I decided to set up my Camcorder instead! The first time was a disaster as the tape I chose to fix the camera came loose and the camera slid across the dash and back again! After a few days contemplation, David suggested duck tape! The next few days proved pointless with the good old British weather dampening proceedings! It was then, one bright crisp November morning that I ventured forth with duck tape and camcorder (duly charged and ready to go). If only I'd had foresight! A normal journey of 35 to 40 mins became 57 minutes. You will note the extended time taken to get through the Tamar Tunnel and across the bridge. Some unfortunate had caused an accident just off the toll gates of the bridge! Anyway the video got to its last length just as I arrived at my destination! Job done! Reducing the video file to just a little short of 8 minutes creates an almost rollercoaster feel to the ride -yes it makes me feel giddy, but then I've never been able to get on any fairground rides! For those of you who brave enough to view - have fun!

Yesterday I also recorded the journey home as this follows the route across the Torpoint Ferry. The light just about lasted! The end of the journey looks dark but, honestly I did have my lights on and could see clearly!

I have to admit that after completing the same journey for the past 7 years it had become a journey in automatic pilot. The challenge made me take note once again and although the camera sees only the road and wide angle straight ahead, the fields, the river, IK Brunel's bridge and the rising sun to the side made me realise how fortunate I am to live in such a beautiful county!

Coming to terms with Basic french Grammar, Pronunciation and Vocabulary

Sessions 3 - 6 (16th, 30th October / 6th , 13th November 2007)
Session 7
- 20th November 2007 - apologies for absense sent

I have been preoccupied with other projects recently and therefore any record of my improving French granmar, pronunciation and vocabulary is sadly off track. I will attempt to remedy this now.

The past four sessions have seen us encouraged to work hard on our reading and pronunciation of "La chenille qui fait des trous".

Session 3 provided a plethora of information and instruction on the formation and pronunciation of verbs in the masculin, feminin, singulier, pluriel, first person, third person etc. My french lessons of 30 years ago came flooding back as we chanted Je coupe, tu coupes il/elle/on coupe, nous coupons, vous coupez, ils / elles coupent.

1st person singular : -e
2nd person singular : -es
3rd person singular : -e
1st person plural : -ons
2nd person plural : -ez
3rd person plural : -ent

Then of course, as with all things grammatical, there is the irregular set! eg pouvoir, svoir, devoir, vouloir etc.

In French, there is no neuter pronoun (" it " in English). That means that things can be either masculine or feminine. In English, the 2nd person pronoun is " you " whether in singular or plural. Formally, in French, if you talk to one single person, you use " tu " and if you talk to a group of people, you must use " vous ". In fact, the " tu " form is commonly used between people of same age, or same social rank. When talking to an older person or to somebody above you in rank or someone you do not know very well you should use vous form. " tu " marks familiarity while " vous " marks respect.

Session 4 started with a quick survey (Faire un sondage). Collated data was then presented using bar charts etc - good cross curricular links for FL, Maths and ICT. Also a great activity for practising verbs in the imperative is "Jacques a dit". Much of this session looked at how to write / give instructions for simple tasks which would easily link to instructions work in literacy. The grammar is the same in that the inperative verb comes at the beginning of the sentence and is in the vous form (you formal). The following are my instructions - can you follow them?

Instruction une Carte Noel

Prenez un fueille de papier

Pliez en duex

Decoupex ine etoile d'or

Collez l'etoile au milieu du papier

Ecrivez "Joyeux Noel" au dessus l'etiole

Ecrivez votre message dans la carte

A suggested website with useful instructions was the where simple french recipes can be accessed along with video. Once in the site, select recipes and the french as the language.

Tarte aux Pommes

Session 5 was very interesting as we spent time considering the pronunciation of l'alphabet and how letters can be grouped to help learn the pronunciation.

A H K (ah, ash, kah)
B C D G T V W (bay, cay, day. jhay, tay, vay, doublevay)
E (eu)
F L M N R S Z (ef, el, em, en, air, es, zed)
I J X Y (ee, ghee, iks, ik-grek)
O (o as in hot)
Q U (koo, oo)

A good game to reinforce the correct pronunciation of l'aphabet is Le Pendu (Hangman).

In reading "La Chenille..." there are many liaisons where once silent letters merge with those which come after eg. mais elle a, un petit oeuf etc

Session 6 started with considering when to use a, en and chez for example a Paris, en France, chez LeLerre.
a + le = au, a +les = aux
A good game to use for reinforcing vocabulary is Kim's game " Qu'est-ce qu'il manque?" (what's missing?)

Possesive Pronouns in French les adjectifs possessifs
In French, they agree with the following noun. But in the plural, there is no difference between masculine and feminine.

For example son cheval = his / her horse. The possessive pronoun refers to the masculin horse (le cheval)
C'est le chat de Marie ; c'est son chat.
Mon père travaille dur.
Nous avons trouvé tes chaussures.
Nous gardons leurs enfants.

Where is WJS?

Internet Safety

When I grow up....

A short video from teacher tube which really demonstrates how important technology is today and in the future.