Supporting best practice across the curriculum. Why do we need a Global dimension in our teaching?
Reasons for Attending:
To gather information, resources and ideas in order to continue the momentum in the development of Global Citizenship in a more creative curriculum at Woodford junior School.
Keynote speaker: Professor David Hicks: Bath Spa University
Why do we need a Global dimension in our teaching?
It is important to be aware of the trends which are shaping the future: a futures perspective. Teaching the Global Dimension is all about responding to the World. It involves a spatial and temporal dimension which highlights the futures perspective. This includes;
1. Anticipating the futures
2. Accepting the consequences
3. Envisioning alternatives
4. Making wiser choices
5. Taking responsible actions
What are the children’s views of the future—explore and discuss probable and preferable futures. What are the lessons for the future?
If all education is for the future, where is the future in education.
What about rights, responsibilities and actions.
As well as firmly showing the importance of the Global dimension, several key publications were highlighted for reference: see handout slide notes (to be added later!)
Workshop 1: The Gambia—No problem! Dr Margaret Mackintosh
Despite the delivery of this session being less than inspiring the few handouts were useful. In conjunction with David Weatherly DCS Geography they have developed a scheme of Work which shows how the Gambia an be integrated through each year group from foundation to year 6. Links have been made with QCA units in each year group as have creative cross curricular links. Copies of the Units are available on CD to those who attend the Geography Course—Plymouth is still to come!
Gleaned ideas` for making our own janting tools for batik and some interesting musical instruments. Also DT ideas—making a bucket to carry water using lorry inner tubes.
Workshop 2: Keep it cool! Primary peer educators and Climate change
Great ideas and active learning ideas to highlight issue of Climate Change and our global footprint. The key is raising awareness in schools. Some schools have a Climate Change group of children who raise awareness of Climate Change in the school community through a variety of activities. Might this be a possibility alongside the School Council—the children taking the lead and making decisions for the school’s vision for Climate Change.
Workshop 3: Exciting opportunities for Global Dimension in the curriculum—the government gets it right! Bernie Ashmore
This was a very useful workshop in that it highlighted and brought to our attention 12 key government documents which really set out the governments vision for the Global Dimension in Education. The most significant is that Global citizenship permeates every subject. All children have a right to a sense of their identity through local / national and Global issues. Of course underpinning all of this is Every Child Matters.
Purchase of resources:
Edible Gardens in Schools
Multicultural Games
Why do you have to fight? Refugee stories from around the world
Stand up for your rights
Stand up Speak Out
Global citizenship: The handbook for primary teaching from OXFAM
Follow up actions:
· Complete the audit and submission for Intermediate ISA. This will give a great starting point from which to develop the SIP for the Full ISA.
· After discussion with Ann we would like to plan a Global week (maybe for the Spring 2008 term) We would like to study the schools curriculum map and identify areas where a global dimension can be integrated as well as developing some more creative links as a guide / support to staff. We would like to discuss our initial thought with Donna Alpin (AST) before sharing our ideas with the staff. We wondered whether 2 mornings rather than a whole day would be more productive?
· Raise awareness of the Global dimension with the staff to be effective from Autumn 2007 to ensure that we have evidence to support our Full ISA submission for 2008.
Audit for Global Citizenship completed. Intermediate level of International Schools award was awarded in July 2007. Currently working on the action plan for he Full ISA.
Global Week planned for the week beginning January 14th 2008. Outline ideas for the week which need to be developed furher.
Have developed an electronic Portfolio of evidence for Global Citizenship. This has been shared with staff and the British Council have commented that this coud be accepted as our evidence for the full ISA. Domain registration and hosting set up through IT Consult on Jersey. Folders have been set up on the schools network for staff to upload relevant evidence.
Meeting with Donna Aplin was productive.
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