Sunday, 28 February 2010

CPD via Skype from New Zealand

It is many months since I have updated my blog and I am feeling decidely guilty about it!! Home life and changes at school have kept me busy in the last few months but I have decided that I must get back into the habit and use this blog to record my continuing journey and development as teacher even after 22 years in the profession.

Recent months have seen me regain the reigns of developing ICT at school as well as a secondment to the University of Plymouth to lead seminars with Year 1 and Year 3 B.Ed students in the "Use of ICT in subject teaching". This has brought new perspectives which present new and exciting challenges. I will undoubtedly blog more on this in coming months.

The purpose of today's post is to share this week's CPD! This came courtesy of New Zealand's 2010 Learning at SchoolConference. David Kinane was presenting a breakout session entitled "90 tools in 90 minutes". I was intrigued and asked David if I could skype into his sesion. Therefore at 0:45 on Thursday 25th February I was ready to follow his presentation using the desktop sharing facility and a free call to hear him.

Two tools that I will be investigating further after David's presentation are Dipity and Glogster.

Whilst watching I recorded part of the presentation with CamStudio and recorded the while 90 minutes using Audactity. I promised to share it with David, so here is the video to start, while I endeavour to work out how to share the 90 minutes of audio!

Audio Part 1

Audio Part 2

Audio Part 3

Audio Part 4

Where is WJS?

Internet Safety

When I grow up....

A short video from teacher tube which really demonstrates how important technology is today and in the future.