The focus for today's session was very much grammar and intonation. Regional dialects and poor annunciation often mean that in English spoken language the wrong interpretataion can be made. How often have you heard the voice raise at the end of a sentence - yet it wasn't a question!! In french it is very importnat to maintain the correct intonation. For example in questions where there is a yes/no repsonse the intonation would go up at the end of the question. Where a longer repsonse may be necessary then the intonation raises in the middle. In general a statement has one level of intonation but the accent is on the last syllable that is heard. (see grahic for clarification).
In French there are 9 personal prounouns (les pronoms personnels - je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles) and it is important that we know when the etiquette of using these, especially tu et vous.
Questions are easy to introduce and use in the classroom. Children can respond to questions which they hear with simple phrases.
Comment ca va? - How are you? Ca va bien!
Qui est-ce? Who is it? C'est Henri!
Ou habites tu? Where do do live? J'habite en Cornouille.
Qu'est-ce que c'est? C'est un crayon.
Quel age as-tu? How old are you?
Quand est-tu ne(e)? When were you born?
Pour quoi as-tu froid? Why are you cold? Parce que c'est l'hiver!
A point to note in pronunciation is that an 's' between two vowels becomes 'z'
When learning numbers - make sure the children learn how to write numbers in French correctly as there are significant differences which must be observed. Sing the numbers to weel known tunes and play bingo in french.
We reviewed places in France and asked Ou habites tu? J'habite a Lyon... When talking about towns etc then we use 'a' ...a Plymouth, a Paris, a Madrid but when talking about countries / regions then we use 'en'......en Cornuoille, en France, en Espagne.
We also reviewed the days of the week, months and seasons briefly.
Relevant documents and files can be found here